Harmonic Piano Pedal: Legal Notice

The site www.harmonicpianopedal.com which you are currently viewing is the property of:
Harmonic Piano Pedal
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Publisher: Denis de La Rochefordière
This site is hosted by: hebergement discount
Copyright © 2008 Harmonic Piano Pedal
This site has been registered with the CNIL authorisation N°: (in progress)

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In accordance with French law concerning privacy and freedom of information( loi Informatique et Libertés du 6 Janvier 1978), you have the right to view, rectify, modify or suppress any personal information which you have supplied us. You may exercise this right by sending a written request to:

Harmonic Piano Pedal
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The site www.harmonicpianopedal.com contains links to third-party web sites. These links are established with the agreement of the site concerned, at the moment which Harmonic Piano Pedal deemed reasonable, considering the content and services offered by these sites.
Harmonic Piano Pedal cannot be held responsible for either the content of these third-party web sites or the use to which they are put by their users.

5.     Intellectual Property
Access granted to the site www.harmonicpianopedal.com is strictly personal and non-exclusive.
All articles, images, or other documents on this web site are the property of Harmonic Piano Pedal or licensed by their respective owners to Harmonic Piano Pedal, and are subject to royalties and other intellectual property rights.
Any use or reproduction of the content of this web site, in full or in part, without the express consent of Harmonic Piano Pedal by any means whatsoever will constitute fraud, and an infringement on the rights of Harmonic Piano Pedal in general.

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Harmonic Piano Pedal will make every effort to ensure that users may always access this web site; However, Harmonic Piano Pedal is in no manner responsible for any damage or inconvenience caused by a user's inability to access this web site.

7.     Contact
To contact us by e-mail: info AT harmonicpianopedal.com